Christmas and New Year in Mazatlán

Seattle may not be a frozen tundra during winter but its still great to be in the sunshine and warmth of Mazatlán. Being on the beach gave me a great environment to think about my plans for 2016. My top goals are to create more art, create a new website, and be consistent. 

I started my plan to create more art by making time-lapse videos. I made this video during our layover in Phoenix. I was lucky to have some interesting action in the background and getting a cool shot of the incoming plane.

I packed two cameras for my trip, a medium format Bronica ESTR and an instant camera, but my favorite shots were from my phone. When I travel I like to photograph things that could be easily overlooked, ants climbing up a wall, fully stocked wine glasses, and a bundled beach go'er determined to read her book. 

Next is slow motion. I met these guys in Plaza Machado, which is in Mazatlan's old town. They would preform their routine in front of a restaurant then move down about 15 feet and perform it again, I saw this repeat about 5 times. 

I love getting photos of the sun rise and sun set but I also look subjects that are a bit weird. 

Thanks for reading!